... , a BiCapitalized implementation of the Posix 1003.1c "pthread" interface for Linux. LinuxThreads provides kernel-level threads: each thread is a separate Unix process, sharing its address space with the other threads through the new system call clone(). ...
This the third, fourth (and last) part for building a thread deadlock detector. Please see the first and second article to understand wait is going on : A (working) implementation of API hooking (Part II)
公开级服务器扩展Thread { Client客户端int计数器公共服务器(客户_client ) { this.client _client this.counter = 0}公共无效的run () {而(计数< 10 ... 的客户端( )服务器S =新的服务器(C) c.start () s.start ( )}}类客户端扩展Thread {向量队列客户端( ) { this.queue新的Vector ( ) }公共无效的run (){而(真) {如果 ...