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  • thread-7.rar 多线程的示例程序,演示如何编写多线程程序
  • 11-Thread.rar 从一本书上拷贝下来的线程的例子。。打包上传 供学习
  • tread_ico.rar 为PW 论坛的thread页面增加6种新的附件图标,增加美观性和直观性
  • Assignment6_1.rar Written it to study the Thread.I am a freshman,and my English is poor.
  • wince3.rar 這個章節將詳細介紹Windows CE 系統中的處理程序 (process) 和執行緒 (thread),並對Windows CE作業系統所使用的排程策略進行分析。處理程序是資源分配的基本單位,而執行緒是排程的基本單位。
  • java_network_code_examples.rar 简单清晰具有启发性的实例。 Net1和Client1类实现了TCP的简单应用。 Udp和Udpwatch类实现了UDP的简单应用。 Chater是一个聊天小工具,综合运用了TCP,UDP,IO,GUI,Thread等技术。对初学者很有启发性。
  • threadpool-0_1_8-src.zip threadpool is a cross-platform C++ thread pool library
  • Bolzano.rar W32.Bolzano这种新病毒在Windows 95和Windows NT的系统下复制,感染以EXE或SCR为扩展名的PE(Portable Executable)应用程序 该病毒会在感染过程中,为自己建立一道线绪(thread),而后当它执行主程序主线绪时,就会在背景处复制病毒,如此一来,用户就不容易发现程序有任何延迟的现象
  • multi-thread_web_serv.rar multi-thread web server, can take 20 requests one time, can use your browser to test it. It s my assignment work.
  • AddisonWesley-EssentialC++.zip ... with C++ in a short time. Stan has taken a very broad and complicated topic and reduced it to the essentials that budding C++ programmers need to know to write real programs. His case study is effective and provides a familiar thread throughout the book.