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  • Tetris A simple tetris clone. This is a little tetris clone I'm writing. It's purpose is for practice and self-education. It requires SFML version 1.6 and boost/multi_array. Started on 25th May 2011. - Harry Jeffery
  • tetris tetris clone!


    A Game of Blocks and Lines is a tetris-clone written in C# using the XNA4 framework. Yes, the name was inspired by that book series we all know and love.

    You're welcome to use my work, as long as ...

  • Tetris Got bored, decided to build Tetris in canvas Tetris ======================== Tetris built on canvas, only tested in Chrome.
  • py-Tetris Simple tetris game made in pyton. Nothing new just a small project to learn a little bit of python. :-D
  • Tetris-Bot ... failure (after the program loses) + Declaring that seeing some guy's stupid tetris bot isn't worth all the damn trouble. -If you get ... é of my solution), the part of the program that actually 'plays tetris' (as in, decides on the best move to make) is a ...
  • WebGL-tetris Original Tetris clone in WebGL Class project. Basic engine implementation in html5 available here: http://neos1.ovh.org/trix/
  • tetris cd bin ruby tetris.rb
  • tetris Simple tetris implementation in javascript
  • tetris java implementation of Tetris game, just for fun
  • Burton-Conner-Tetris-Battle ... the License, or (at your option) any later version. Burton-Conner Tetris Battle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ... copy of the GNU General Public License along with Burton-Conner Tetris Battle. If not, see .