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  • 26094-800.zip 3rd Generation Partnership Project Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects Mandatory speech codec speech processing functions Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) speech codec Voice Activity Detector (VAD
  • ACE_technical_paper_collection.rar ACE--Adaptive Communication Environment,是C++网络编程的一大利器,本压缩包包含ACE相关技术论文
  • Anthill-20020829.zip ... As such, they can be seen as instances of complex adaptive systems (CAS) typically found in biological and social sciences. ... consists of a dynamic network of peer nodes societies of adaptive agents travel through this network, interacting with nodes and ...
  • icsiboost-0.3.tar.gz ... is a meta-learning approach that aims at combining an ensemble of weak classifiers to form a strong classifier. Adaptive Boosting (Adaboost) implements this idea as a greedy search for a linear combination of classifiers by overweighting the examples ...
  • adaptivethresholdandtestprogram.rar 一个自适应阈值处理程序,是图像分割领域难题的一个处理方向,该方法效果还不错An adaptive thresholding algorithm that seperates the background with nonuniform illumination. %foreground from the background with nonuniform illumination.
  • me1.rar 几篇最经典的运动搜索算法的IEEE论文:A1. Enhanced Hexagonal Search for Fast Block Motion Estimation;A2. Hexagon-based search pattern for fast block motion estimation;A3. Predictive Motion Vector Field Adaptive Search Technique (PMVFAST)等
  • BER_Equators.zip Adaptive Filter. This script shows the BER performance of several types of equalizers in a static channel with a null in the passband. The script constructs and implements a linear equalizer object and a decision feedback equalizer (DFE) object. It also ...
  • ACE-Docs-0306.rar ACE自适配通信环境(ADAPTIVE Communication Environment)是可自由使用、开放源码的面向对象(OO)框架(framework),它实现了许多用于并发通信软件的核心模式。ACE提供了一组丰富的可重用C++包装外观(wrapper facade)和框架组件,可跨多种平台完成通用的通信软件任务,其中包括:事件多路分离和事件处理器分派、信号处理、服务初始化、进程间通信、共享内存管理、消息路由、分布式服务动态(重)配置、并发执行和同步,等等。
  • SJMesh.rar Adaptive Triangular Mesh Generation for Sheet Forming Simulation
  • AdaptAOA.rar matlab code for adaptive angle of arrival detection