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  • Audio_Homing_Robot.rar ... in autonomous vehicles is a growing field due to a wide array of military and reconnaissance applications. The Adaptive Communications and Signals Processing Group (ACSP) research group at Cornell specializes in studying various aspects of autonomous ...
  • bayesthresholding.zip 基于小波的去噪算法,采用BAYES原理选取阈值,源代码,参考文献:Adaptive Wavelet Thresholding for Image Denoising and Compression
  • MIMO(OFDM)simulator.rar This project demonstrates OFDM with adaptive modulation applied to Multiple-Input Multiple- Output (MIMO) systems. The analysis and ... Single-Output (SISO) OFDM system. The second stage applies adaptive modulation to a general MIMO system by making use ...
  • A_Full_Adaptive_Observer_for_DC_Servo_Motors.rar A Full Adaptive Observer for DC Servo Motors.pdf 关于伺服电机的。英文版
  • cabac.rar Context-based adaptive binary arithmetic coding in the H.264AVC video compression standard
  • ManpowerSystem.rar ... of the paper to point out the meaning of applying adaptive control to social-economic system and discuss the adaptive control ... .With recruitment as a control variable,we put forward the adaptive control strategy to keep the manpower system following the ...
  • eqber_adaptive.rar ... of Eb/No values. It also fits a curve to the simulated BER points, and plots the burst error performance of the linear and DFE equalizers. The adaptive equalizer objects automatically retain their state between invocations of their "equalize" method.
  • Advanced.Signal.Processing.and.Noise.Reduction.2nd ... has a wide range of applications in multimedia technology, audio-visual signal processing, cellular mobile communication, adaptive network management, radar systems, pattern analysis, medical signal processing, financial data forecasting, decision making ...
  • TDeintv1b4.rar the De-interlace video processing developed with C++ enviroment in Motion adaptive in 3D and Bi-indirection ELA in 2D
  • WASH.rar ... 移植表和存储过程。 4、PowerBuilder 9.0,Adaptive Server Anywhere 7 必须;