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  • SGN2206LectureNew3.rar Basic adaptive signal processing methods
  • SGN2206LectureNew4.rar Basic adaptive signal processing methods
  • SGN2206LectureNew5.rar Basic adaptive signal processing methods
  • adpmedian.rar Adaptive median filter.
  • AStudyOfFaultDiagnosisInScooterUsingAdaptiveOrderT A study of fault diagnosis in a scooter using adaptive order tracking technique and neural networ.rar
  • new.zip Pipelined Chebyshev Functional Link Artificial Recurrent Neural Network for Nonlinear Adaptive Filter
  • my_ga.rar ... G. Asymptotic convergence rates of simple evolutionary algorithms with Cauchy mutations. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 1998,1(4):249~258 [37] Srinivas M, Patnaik L M. Adaptive Probabilities of Crossover and Mutations in Gas. IEEE
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  • rlslinear.zip adaptive beamforming in smart antennas using rls algorithm