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  • adaptive_filtering.zip fundumental Adaptive filtering
  • adaptiveSimpson.zip Recursive adaptive Simpson algorithm
  • LivingMachinesUseofGeneticalAlgorithms.zip Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are adaptive heuristic search algorithm premised on the evolutionary ideas of natural selection and genetic. The basic concept of GAs is designed to simulate processes in natural system necessary for evolution, specifically those ...
  • adapt_cod.rar adaptive modulation in WC
  • xapp219.zip adaptive filter designing and understanding using various algorithms.
  • 8Adaptive_filters.rar adaptive filter basics and implementation in vhdl
  • 6-864Fall-2005.zip This is a Matlab BPSK source for simulatation. If you neeed adaptive modulation based on power please request one from me.
  • Resultats.rar ... of salt and pepper noise image filtering using MATLAB The function affected by noise interference filter2 images mean filter Adaptive Image Filtering Wehner use five kinds of different gradient method to enhance image sharpening images of high-pass ...
  • TrackingofTimeVaryingChannelsUsingTwoStepLMSTypeA This paper presents a modified version of the twostep least-mean-square (LMS)-type adaptive algorithm motivated by the work of Gazor. We describe the nonstationary adaptation characteristics of this modified two-step LMS (MG-LMS) algorithm for the ...
  • PerformanceAnalysisoftheDeficientLengthLMSAdaptiv ... of the least mean-square (LMS) finite impulse response (FIR) adaptive algorithm, it is assumed that the length of the ... impulse response. However, in many practical situations, a deficient length adaptive filter, whose length is less than that of the ...