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  • DisableLowLevelKeys.rar Win2K/NT/XP环境下LWIN,RWIN,WIN+Any,Ctrl+Esc,Alt+Esc,Alt+TAB等键的禁用,vb6实现
  • ResizableCtrl_src.zip ... Technically, IResizeControl is not an interface because it doesn t have any pure virtual functions, but I still consider it an interface because it doesn t make any sense to declare IResizeControl objects. In fact, I am preventing the ...
  • RemoteWAP-0.4.tar.gz RemoteWAP is a Remote Administration Tool for any Operating System that can support the Java Virtual Machine. It has been designed for anyone who wishes to have complete control of there OS anywhere by using a WAP enabled Mobile Phone. RemoteWAP is ...
  • CRC循环校验的具体算法.rar ... .h. * * * Copyright (c) 2000 by Michael Barr. This software is placed into * the public domain and may be used for any purpose. However, this * notice must not be changed or removed and no warranty is either * expressed or implied by its publication or ...
  • piano.zip 下载别人的谢谢原作者2. 程序编译说明:用3*7数组定义21个音阶。读取已有的自编的乐谱文件,按文中内容奏乐,若文中有不合规定的字符,显示”press any key to exit”。用getmsckey()函数来得到频率数组坐标,用play()函数获取拍数及频率数组坐标。
  • 20040723jspyilongdiannao.rar ... classesmyjspdbconn.java文件 5.上面成功后就可以http://localhost:8080/目录名/可以访问了。。 Any Problem Please Contact to kuflash@hotmail.com http://xxgc.zjbti.net.cn/kuflash 亿龙电脑网
  • 36901.zip Connect To Any Database v1.0
  • Csourcecode.Zip 精细绘图及动画 制个程序是本人自己编写,所以这里能后做出详细解释。程序运行后会在屏幕上用triplex_font显示“press any key for set off”,下方是用基本的线条画出的发射架(有点粗糙),即程序中的DrawGun()函数,当按下任意 ...
  • tdbf642.zip TDBF is a native data access component for Delphi, BCB, Kylix, FreePascal. It allows you to create very compact database programs which don t need any special installer programs. The DB engine code is compiled right into your executable
  • DirectMysqlObjects11.zip The main idea of the project is to have cross-platform (Windows+Linux) delphi native components for directly accesing SQL servers (without using any externall dll s). The first releas will be for My-sql and Interbase, but there are plans to be extendend