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  • quartz-1.6.0.rar Quartz is a full-featured, open source job scheduling system that can be integrated with, or used along side virtually any J2EE or J2SE application - from the smallest stand-alone application to the largest e-commerce system. Quartz can be used to create ...
  • SudokuModel.rar java code like any other of java game
  • setontimertoshutdownlocksys.rar Through timer, code can shutdown and lock the operation system any time you set.
  • Liniuote.zip The program allows you to easily measure the object of any window size.
  • LCD.rar Interfacing 8 bit LCD to any microcontroller
  • Keypad.rar Interfacing 8 bit LCD to any microcontroller
  • XT_KeyBoardTo8951WithAssembler.zip XT_KeyBoard interface with 8951 using Assembler and Document for Key board delivered data details, Which will help to dvelope for any processor and controller interface.
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  • psim_svm.rar Space Vector Modulation Method for PSIM users. Really helpful since PSIM hasn t got any block directly about SVM
  • visual.rar ... of a GNSS-measurement campaign it is useful to compute several design para-meters in order to decide how, when and where to carry out the measurements. The MATLAB user interface VISUAL.M enables you to compute the design parameters for any system design.