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  • DatabaseSecurityHost.rar Bell_la_padula with any problem
  • sherpa-0.6.9.src.tar.gz ... ------ The project aims to create a program that will aid the non-technical desktop user to handle common file activities on any operating system. A user who is accustomed to using Windows Explorer will find it easier to switch to Linux (and ...
  • BLUEBOOK.rar Any about Post Script.
  • BasicRSA_latest.tar.gz ... . RSA was created by Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman in 1977. Every user have a pair of key, public key and private key. Public key (e) . You may choose any number for e with these requirements, 1< e <Æ (n), where Æ (n)= (p-1) (q-1) ( p and q ...
  • HTML_Builder_Source.zip ... of seconds, or just when you click the Update button. Most of this web site was created using this editor. It is not fancy in any way shape or form, but works very well. It s a MDI form, containing a rich text box form, and an internet browser form. When ...
  • WRepShl.zip ... 12 buttons that can be assigned to launch applications. When pressing any of the available buttons, the application would start. Full ... Control Panel, Task Agent, IPConfig, and PC Anywhere (if available). Any of the icons can be disabled through the Setup ...
  • ToneGenerator.zip ... aural alerts for use in a couple of cockpit simulators. However, you could use the application to generate aural alerts for any purpose. The application may also be used to define voice messages which may be optionally saved as Wave files for subsequent ...
  • principalComponentAnalysis.zip a matlab code that can be used for calculating the PCA of any kind of data , using simulink
  • KlustaKwik_R1-8.gz KlustaKwik is an open-source C++ program for automatic clustering of continuous data into a mixture of Gaussians. The program was originally developed for sorting of neuronal action potentials, but can be applied to any sort of data.
  • Prime_Numbers.zip ... the main reason why prime numbers continues to create such great interest would be because of the difficulty to prove that any given arbitrary number is prime. This is call the primality test. Most of the test for primality are probalistic rather than ...