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  • light_automatic.zip automatic swich laight Atmega 16
  • dianzimimasuo.rar 基于ATMega 16单片机的密码锁的设计,以avr单片机为核心,设计一款具有自动报警功能的电子密码锁。
  • ATMEGA-16-PCB.rar lay out for the generic board to design embedded systems
  • StepperTestPROJ.zip project of avr atmega controlled by power...lol
  • RX_14th-June.rar Atmega 32 source for receiver wit hCC2500 module
  • TC1-Jun-20-2011.zip Control program for HF radio for HAM communications. Versions for ATmega/AT91SAM7Sxx. Includes variations of supported chips and combinations (for example, AD9951, AD9834, AD9852, LMX2306, ADF4001 and so on).
  • ADC-8bit.zip Adc 8 bit atmega 16 with codevision
  • ADC10bit.zip adc 10 bit atmega 16 with codevision
  • Led-atmega16.zip led atmega 16 codevision
  • led2-atmega16.zip led2 atmega 16 with codevision