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  • Cosa ... It replaces the Arduino and Wiring library with a large set of integrated classes that support the full range of AVR/ATmega/ATtiny internal hardware modules; all pin modes, Digital, and Analog Pins, External and Pin Change Interrupts, Analog Comparator, ...
  • sunlover sun tracking for arduino sunlover ======== sun tracking for arduino ===== Setup: Required Hardware: - 2 Photo Resistors - 1 servo - Atmega compatable microprocessor Ports: - Make sure your inputs and outputs are alligned with inputs and outputs in the ...
  • OpenHR20 ... =master)](https://travis-ci.org/OpenHR20/OpenHR20) This repository contains open firmware for Honeywell Rondostat HR20 and similar, Atmega-MCU based radiator thermostats. It is not based on the original, proprietary firmware, but rather a complete ...
  • carproject Car Project on ATMEGA 32 micro controller. Programmed using C.
  • apprinoV0 apprino vo ATMEGA 328 FT232
  • avr_hp_encoder avr hp encoder avr_hp_encoder ============== A simple way to read a hp linear encoder with an atmega microcontroller also see http://www.pengurobotics.com/projects/avr_hp_encoder
  • tripping-octo-bear ATmega microcontroller drivers and miscellaneous code tripping-octo-bear ================== ATmega micro-controller example projects and drivers.
  • oleduino An arduino compatile OLED badge. OLEDuino -------- A cheap electronic name badge that can be programmed with the arduino ide. The ATMEGA 328 has to be preloaded with the Arduino Pro 8Mhz 3.3V bootloader. Also chose that board when programming the badge ...