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  • Tuxgraphics-AVR-NTP-clock ... If you are unsure what the current fuse setting are on the atmega then you can read the fuse settings with a command like: ... in case you forgot what you changed. Connect pin PB0 on the atmega chip with GND and power-cycle the clock. It will then ...
  • avr_swift ... # # avr_swift est un projet pour faciliter le développement sur # Microcontrôleur ATMEL 8bit (atmega, attiny). # # # Auteur : Maleyrie Antoine # Début du projet : juin 2011 # Version actuel : 0.3 # Site web : # Compilateur supporter : AVR-GCC # ...
  • XD2031 ... part is also available on later versions of the GPL, the AtMega firmware is ONLY(!) available under GPL V2. (C) 2012,2014 ... channel support (U1/U2 commands) -> done - SD card provider on the atmega side -> started - D64 support on the server side, to be ...
  • junosex ... breakout], or you can make it on a custom PCB with an ATMEGA chip, or a [cheap-o USB-to-MIDI adapter] and an ... .ino.) This should take about 5 minutes to complete. ### Custom PCB / ATMEGA Follow the [schematic] to put it together. I will provide better ...
  • UsbIOCard-Firmware USB-IO Card firmware, Atmega, Galvanically isolated. Input, output and ADC #USB-IO-Card-firmware USB-IO Card firmware, Atmega, Galvanically isolated. Input, output and ADC #Interface definition
  • 2012-Group-17---Project-Bipedal ... =========== References to important resources. 1. http://www.wikipedia.org/ 3. http://www.e-yantra.org/home/ 4. http://www.nex-robotics.com/ 5. ATMEGA 640 Development Board Manual 6. ATMEGA 640 Datasheet
  • arduino-bluetooth # Arduino + BlueTooth + Android ##Hardware Used: + [MegaADK Arduino Board (Atmega 2560)](http://arduino.cc/en/Main/ArduinoBoardADK) + [ITEAD Bluetooth Shield v2.1](http://iteadstudio.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=307) + [ ...
  • wifi-radio-ctl little atmega-controlled display that receives radio stations via UART from an OpenWRT based wifi radio and changes stations through pushing buttons wifi-radio-ctl ============== * Sourcecode für Displayansteuerung (Anzeige der aktuellen Station) * ...
  • megas2 ... mind. It is intended to help me with my various ATMEGA projects whenever they: * use sophisticated or ad-hoc peripherals that ... into a highly professional and reliable solution for your ATMEGA/AVR simulation needs. Unfortunately, it lack support for the ...
  • cpcfpga ... just the firmware dfu Install the firmware reset Resets the firmware ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LICENCES The Atmega source code uses the LUFA library, licensed under the MIT library. Please see ...