A brief test application for ATmega 128 to test interface with DS1307 RTC
This application is a simple test of two interfaces:
* DS1307 Real-time clock
* NEC FC20x2JA-AB 20x2 vacuum fluorescent display
Hardware setup
The setup for the ...
various programs for arduino Atmel Atmega AVR microcontrollers
## Target MCU ##
This code has been tested on an ATmega 328 AVR; but the code is compact enough to work with ... ATmega 88. The optimized code is just under 4K; so an ATmega 48 may work acceptably.
To [reduce the USART error](http://electronics. ...
- Because Serial Outpout doesn't work with DuinOS and AtMega 88, 88P, 168 and 168P, decrease TOTAL_HEAP_SIZE from 800 to ... timer 1 for its kernel.
Now should works only with AtMega 128, 1280, 1281, 2560, 2561, 32U4, AT90USB646, AT90USB1286
Need testing ...
... firmware upgrade (not self-upgradable)
Set this jumper for flashing the ATMega(4)8 of USBasp with another working
J3 SCK option ...
3. run "make main.hex"
4. flash "main.hex" to the ATMega(4)8. E.g. with uisp or avrdude (check
the Makefile ...
# Atmega 16 HID mouse using accelerometer and gyroscopic fusion algorithm.
## Authors :
* Jobin V CM
* Anand Jayaram
This is the Readme file to Objective Development's firmware-only USB driver
for Atmel AVR microcontrollers. For more information please visit
This directory contains the USB firmware only. Copy it as-is to your own
project and ...
... 3.3V and 5V modes.
[promini]: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11114
[seeeduino]: http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/seeeduino-v221-atmega-328p-p-669.html
## Technical Overview
nRF8001 is a slave-only Bluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth 4.0) transceiver.
It ...
... firmware upgrade (not self-upgradable)
Set this jumper for flashing the ATMega(4)8 of USBasp with another working
J3 SCK option ...
3. run "make main.hex"
4. flash "main.hex" to the ATMega(4)8. E.g. with uisp or avrdude (check
the Makefile ...
... for use in RC model transmitters. It uses an
ATMega microcontroller to query the controls present in such devices ... transmitter module.
== What is required to use Funkenschlag?
An ATMega microcontroller (e.g. ATMega8, ATMega168 or ATMega328) is required ...