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  • ATMega128rfa1-dev-board What it says on the tin ##A Better ATMega 128rfa1 Dev Board See http://www.sparkfun.com/products/9734 Some of the complaints in the comments that I've started to address: 1) If you solder headers into the battery (for hitec connector), ISP, and uart ...
  • simple-hud ... to the RN-42, it transparently relays serial data between the ATMEGA and the PC, Phone or Bug. Capacitors C1 and C4 allow ... of the RN-42. With the accompanying bootloader, this allows the ATMEGA to function like a Bluetooth arduino. The first time an LED ...
  • LumaArdSide ... the Arduino sid of LUMA. It manages two independent sets of PWM banks. Each bank uses three of the is PWM channels the atMega has, and divies them up for each color channel. Each channel can have its own pattern, which in turn has several parameters for ...
  • avr-programmer ... a new spin on the AVR ISP. It's based on the ATmega 'u2 family of AVR devices. Influences while designing, in no particular ... support varying target voltages. 1. Bring out the serial pins on the ATmega to provide a USB-to-TTL converter with an FTDI-cable- ...
  • xwusbasp ... firmware upgrade (not self-upgradable) Set this jumper for flashing the ATMega(4)8 of USBasp with another working programmer. J3 SCK option ... 3. run "make main.hex" 4. flash "main.hex" to the ATMega(4)8. E.g. with uisp or avrdude (check the Makefile ...
  • HF-SSB-CW-direct-conversion-receiver ... it compatible with existing tools) - IR remote control to supplement integrated buttons Hardware ======== AD9835 DDS (mclk 50Mhz, 14Mhz LPF) ATmega 644PA (int. osc. 8Mhz) standard LCD 16x2, 4bit mode IR demodulator SFH5110-38 rotary encoder 4 buttons
  • Rainbowduino-v3 ... your sketch with an updated version of this library. [Rainbow Cube Kit]: http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/rainbow-cube-kit-assembled-p-998.html [Rainbowduino V3]: http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/rainbowduino-led-driver-platform-atmega-328-p-371.html
  • hiduino ... of information on working with HIDUINO. HIDUINO can be flashed onto the ATmega (8u2/16u2) chip on the UNO and Mega2560. Sketches cannot be ... (3+) of the Mega and UNO (and Due) use the Atmega 16u2 chip, so note the name changes of the default usbserial ...
  • Mini_Golf_Bot_group_6_cs308_2012 ... .mathworks.in/help/techdoc/) + Matlab User Guide ( http://www.mathworks.in/help/pdf_doc/matlab/getstart.pdf) + Tennis Ball Collector by E-yantra Team (http://www.e-yantra.org/home/projects-wiki/item/131-tennis-ball-collector-using-atmega-2560-robot)
  • AndroidBasedTennisBallCollector_group14_cs308_2012 ... .com/dimpleiitb) (09005056) ## Extension of * [Tennis Ball Collector using ATmega 2560 Robot](http://www.e-yantra.org/home/projects-wiki/item/131-tennis-ball-collector-using-atmega-2560-robot) * [Controlling Firebird V using an Android ...