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  • OSH ... with a surface-mount footprint made possible by castellon PCB/edge pads. Similar in concept to the SMDuino project... but I use the ATMega 32U4. C2B --- A coin cell breakout that can be used with a single or 'stacked' CR2032 battery. The result is 3v ...
  • obstacle-distance-sensor obstacle-distance-sensor ==================== In this project we have chosen arduino as our platform and atmega 328 as a microcontroller. We have used infrared sensors to detect existence of obstacle in front of robot and also to detect at what distance ...
  • docLamp ... .c : Main program ADXL345.h : Accelerometer routines (including double tap): ADXL345.c hConfig.h : Hardware specific routines for ATmega hConfig.c i2cmaster.h : I2C master library by Peter Fleury twimaster.c uart.h : UART library by Peter ...
  • Pyrotechnic-Igniter R/C pyrotechnic igniter, for ATMEGA chips
  • com.roborec.servo Multiple Servo Controller for Arduino/ATMega This library isn't done yet. But it's at an initial working state. I've noticed some jitter on certain servos, I'm as of yet unsure if that's due to the servo itself or the variance in the time it takes to ...
  • dynamixel-controller A general purpose controller based on an Atmega controller for controlling AX-12 servos as well as I2C servos. This design is free: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the ...
  • Pong-Game-console- Pong Game console using atmega 8 and 8x8 led matrix Pong-Game-console- ================== Pong Game console using atmega 8 and 8x8 led matrix
  • signalLichtPWM ... Hannover Leitstelle 511 e.V. have created a small modular ATmega developmend board. It consists of a base board (the ... two colors on Signal Licht can be controlled directly via ATmega hardware counters, the third color must be controlled manually). ...
  • display ... , as the TLC5940 currently only displays strange patterns and overheats. Atmega software --------------- Does not yet exist. Use the Samples from [Demystifying ... yet, but will be able to send them to the ATMEGA. My Goal is to have a web interface (with a ...
  • avr-hsl2rgb ... identical. The other (hsl2rgb) is an optimized version which produces *almost* identical output, but is 13x faster on an ATmega. See hsl2rgb.cpp for more information. Written by Derek Lewis, with code from "Johngineer". MIT license, all text above must ...