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  • Discuz用户密码暴力破解器 说明: 1.支持discuz X1/1.5/2/2.5/3/3.1 等版本。 2.程序会自动判断编码。 3.有验证码的爆破不了。 4.字典支持%username%使用用户名作为密码(%username3) 5.支持导出用户名列表和成功爆破的列表 6.爆破AV论坛被抓不要找我 如果你想只爆破特定的几个用户组的用户,可以在获取用户列表完成后,选中不要的用户组点击右键复制用户组,然后粘贴到下面的用户组输入框,点击清除,然后属于这个组的用户名都会被清除,剩下的就是你想要的用户组,比如管理员组,节省爆破时间。
  • 各种常用视频信号类型大全 各种常用视频信号类型大全,视频格式、视频类型,视频信号:VGA,HDMI,DVI,AV,S端子,BNC
  • DLNA Guideline以及UPNP协议 DLNA__Guideline UPnP-arch-DeviceArchitecture-v1.0 UPnP-arch-DeviceArchitecture-v2.0 UPnP-av-AVArchitecture-v1 UPnP-av-AVArchitecture-v2
  • stu388大屏拼接软件兼容多个厂家包含使用说明 stu388大屏拼接软件兼容多个厂家包含使用说明。软件兼容AV,VGA/DVI/HDMI
  • Devart_UniDAC_6.3.13_for_DX10.1 6.3.13 27-Jun-16 TVirtualDataSet component is added Bug with AV on application closing when DLLs are used in the Trial edition ... on iOS Simulator is fixed PostgreSQL data provider Bug with AV on connection lost is fixed Bug with the incorrect milliseconds ...
  • Basic.Security.Testing.with.Kali.Linux.2.153050656 ... 8 Meterpreter Shell Chapter 9 Metasploitable Tutorial - Part One Chapter 10 Metasploitable - Part Two: Scanners Chapter 11 Windows AV Bypass with Veil-Evasion Chapter 12 Windows Privilege Escalation by Bypassing UAC Chapter 13 Packet Captures and Man-in- ...
  • Devart_UniDAC_6.3.13_for_XE8 ... Bug with memory leak on fetching TIMESTAMP fields is fixed Bug with AV on writing BLOBs for Win64 target platform is fixed Bug ... on iOS Simulator is fixed PostgreSQL data provider Bug with AV on connection lost is fixed Bug with the incorrect milliseconds ...
  • Programming iOS 9 ... Background AVAudioEngine MIDI Playback Speech Synthesis Further Topics in Sound Chapter 15Video AVPlayerViewController Introducing AV Foundation UIVideoEditorController Chapter 16Music Library Exploring the Music Library Music Player MPVolumeView Playing ...
  • AlphaControls 11.19 D5-XE10.1 ... placed on a Notebook component * Improved painting of items in the TsTreeViewEx component * Improved scaling of VCL dialogs * Fixed AV in importing of external section in the ASkinEditor tool * Copy/paste of a section style implemented in popup ...
  • 当51单片机偶遇PPU 当你想用51MCU做一台游戏机,你可能会想到FC。是的FC的图形芯片,用51完全可以连接上,资料中还包含了FC的完整原理图。51独有的并口时序,正好可以利用上,PPU也是用并口的。这里说的PPU,指FC用的图形处理器,国内型号有MU6528和MU6538,可输出AV视频信号。如有不明白,可以加Q群发问:维京猎人和朋友们 127493444。