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  • bpsk_awgn.rar BPSK的AWGN分析归一化,对初学者会有所帮助
  • BPSK+AWGNmatlab.rar BPSK调制在AWGN信道下的通信系统的matlab仿真程序
  • bcsk.rar 这是BCSK Simulation for AWGN & Rayleigh Channels, 详细的算法说明见程序注释.
  • OFDM_16QAM_64QAM.rar ... using 16-QAM .64QAM as the modulation technique. This type of OFDM is particularly useful for WiMAX and other Wireless and Multimedia Standards. Just run the Model and with different SNRs in the AWGN Channel Block observe the performance of the OFDM.
  • Simulation.rar BER of BPSK Modulation In AWGN Channel
  • multipath.rar 多径信道仿真 有三条固定路径的AWGN多径信道的QPSK系统进行BER性能方针,并与在理想的AWGN信道中同样系统的BER进行比较,为简化模型,作如下假设: 1,信道中有三条路径,包括一条没有衰落的LOS路径和两条具有瑞利衰落的路径。与各路径相应的接收功率以及路径间的延迟差是仿真的参数 2,信道的锐利衰落仅影响发送信号的幅度,不影响瞬时相位。 3,在符号间隔内各多径分量的衰减幅度是常数,并与相邻间隔无关。
  • OFDM_AWGN_SIM.rar ofdm simulation in AWGN channel.you can learn clearly that how ofdm works
  • IS-95basebandsimulation.rar ... is a IS-95 baseband simulation for 1 data channel of 9.6 KBps rate. The simulation is written for static channel and AWGN noise. The packet include: 1) Packet Builder (Viterbi Encoding, Interleaver, PN generation) 2) Modulator (RRC filter) 3) ...
  • cooperation_communication_program.rar 主要是针对现在的合作通信中,引入ARQ机制,仿真在AWGN信道下的误包率
  • BPSK_OVER_AWGN_CHANNEL.rar Generate the digital AWGN signal n[k] (sampled n(t)) by generating zero mean Gaussian random variables independently (separately) for each k MATLAB function random.