this is the code source of one tabulation using for générated PWM signals to control a multi axis system using the TMS320F2812
this i the cap of the DSP of texas intrument for control DC motor in a multi axis sytem
Whith this VI you can Pan/Tilt AXIS IP cameras with LabView. You can pan/tilt the camera with mouse or with numbers. You can make Snapshot or watch the video in full screen
its a smulink programme to control puma robot with 5 axis of freedom
CNC3AX schematic - tested circuit for 3 axis motor control
Replace or appends XTickLabels and YTickLabels of axis handle
h with input tickx and ticky array
plane activex control, using visual c++, that display a chart in 2d view with tarnsparent bk option and axis, grid, points mark, join lines and text color selection,