An interpreter for the G-code language, which can control a 3-axis Cartesian positioning system (ie for a CNC milling machine) which has electronics compatible with the RepRap project.
Spring sample application JPetStore where the OrderService is exposed as a web service using Axis.
... if no fi les are specifi ed. It can display
up to 64 independent data sets using diff erent colors and/or line styles for
each set. It annotates the graph with a title, axis labels, grid lines or tick
marks, grid labels, and a legend.
This is cnc machine driver witch 3 axis support. It accepts step,dirrection. For unipolar stepper motor
graph drower MFC with dynamic scaling y-axis
JFFS2文件系统手册。JFFS文件系统是瑞典Axis Communications AB为嵌入式系统开发的日志文件系统。JFFS1应用在Linux2.2以上版本中。jffs2在Linux2.4内核和eCOS中。是RedHat公司开发的JFFS的新版版。Linux的视线中,JFFS必须建立在MTD驱动程序的上层。MTD的作用是为JFFS提供操作NAND或者NOR芯片的接口。
... neural network. The program merely maps itself to a set of coordinates ranging from -0.5 to 0.5 on both the x and y-axis.
The program layout is very simple - the Run button will start the network. Note, this may take some time, so be patient! Note ...
/* Draw circles of radius 9, 8 and 7 with the colours shown around (0,0)
Draw the x and y axis
Draw the diagonal line
Draw the 12 by 6 quad around (0,0)
When the left mouse button is pressed the diagonal line moves as shown.
When the ...