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  • Earth.zip ... ) demo that features earth, with night and day texture maps, atmospheric effects, an orbiting moon, the sun, a stars background and optional constellation lines. The only technical part lies with the atmospheric effect, which is raytraced on key ...
  • Background-interface-design.rar 一些JQuery框架前台模版,可以让用户直接套用格式,无后台代码,非常不错的一些模版!
  • vb2008.net-downloadfile-background.rar 使用vs2008.net 编程工具 backgroundWorker下载文件 下载完成后有提示,完全可用
  • NAT-Technology-White-Paper.zip This document describes the background, concepts, implementation, and application scenarios of NAT.
  • background.zip 提出了一种单个静态摄像机的滞留物与偷窃物检测算法。
  • ground-truth.rar It is a test video frames for background seperations
  • BackGround.rar 对话框登陆界面,打开后还是一个对话框,有登陆密码,登陆密码输入三次后自动退出
  • subtraction.rar Background subtraction method in opencv cpp
  • Copie-de-bgfg_segm.rar background substraction using mixture of gaussian model.the algoritm writen in c++ using open cv lib
  • 2-1.rar 试从Fig1.bmp中提取出目标物体(飞机),并将其与背景图像background.bmp进行合成