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  • dgkcj.rar 简单查询,有后台 Simple queries, there is background
  • Opencv-All-Progs.rar Its background subtration algorithem library
  • Capston.rar GMM background subtraction
  • Programs.rar DPAdaptiveMedian Background subtraction
  • DP.rar DPGrimsonGMM Background subtrcation
  • BackgroundPanel.zip Background Panel to chnage backgound
  • target-tracking-using-kalman.rar 2D Target tracking using Kalman filter The first just does detection by background subtraction. This can be considered as the ground truth. The second feeds the detection output into a Kalman filter. The predicted position from the kalman filter (red) ...
  • Source-Channel-coding-for-CELP-Speech-coders---J. Speech coders for noisy channels, linear predictive coders background, pitch estimation based on chaos theory, vector quantiser and the missing data problem, vector quantiser design for spectral information, trellis vector excitation, analysis of trellis ...
  • people-counting-opencv.rar Change detection by background subtraction is a common approach to detect moving foreground. The resulting difference image is usually thresholded to obtain objects based on pixel connectedness and resulting blob objects are subsequently tracked
  • fuzzy-mixture-of-gaussian-model-application-to-ba Application to Background Modeling