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  • JS-Big-Background ... bgImageManage.init(CAN PASS IS MOBILE VAR IN HERE); // CSS #background { position:absolute; top:0; left:0; z-index:90; ... %; z-index:95; width:100%; } #backgroundcontrols a { display:block; background:url(../images/icons/arrows.png) 0 0 no-repeat; ...
  • Fullscreen-Background-jQuery-plugin ... small jQuery plugin that allows you to create fullscreen background. [Article on Gaya Design](http://www.gayadesign.com/diy ... 1. 4. Add the following line you Javascript file: $("#background-image").fullscreenBackground(); 5. DONE! There are also a ...
  • ANE-Background-Music Air Native Extension (iOS and Android) for managing background music Air Native Extension for iOS Audio Session (iOS) ... .com/devnet/air/native-extensions-for-air.html) for managing the background music on iOS and Android. It will disable music from other ...
  • Weather-Background-Changer ... current weather of the users current location and change the background based on that info prerequisites: Need convert installed Add ... to decide whether to use celsius, defualt is farenhiet Background images are downloaded and converted to size of users ...
  • css-background-position A small experiment to show the *huge* difference tweaking your background-position makes.
  • renren-background-check Do background check for your friends. Find out who he/she care about, and who cares about he/she.
  • background-advert ... (params); }); ###Parameters * elem: the element that will have the background image applied to it (in the above case, the ... buffer between the non-clickable area, and the clickable background. * linkUrl: the destination user is taken to on click * ...
  • Background-Changer-Gnome Desktop Background Changer for Linux Gnome - Debian Background-Changer-GNU-Linux ============================ Desktop Background Changer GNU/Linux
  • msc-background-report ... report for my Individual Project done as part of Imperial's MSc Computing Science degree 2011/12 msc-background-report ===================== Background report for my Individual Project done as part of Imperial's MSc Computing Science degree 2011/12
  • background-benchmarks Delayed Job vs Resque Shootout == Background Benchmarks I wanted to see the performance of Delayed Job w/ Postgres ActiveRecord backend vs Resque backed with Redis. There are three branches in the project. == To test Delayed Job: $ git checkout ...