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  • CSS-Background-Size-jQuery-Plugin ... "cover" keywords not supported by below IE9. CSS-Background-Size-jQuery-Plugin ================================= Replicates the functionality of CSS3 ... set 'cover' or 'contain' to replicate the CSS3 background-size property in browsers that don't support ...
  • background-magick ... to ImageMagick's composite and add it to a background. # background-magick Pipe an image to ImageMagick's composite to add the image onto a background. ## Api ```js var bg = require('background-magick'); bg(path_to_background, cords); ``` ## Example ...
  • Parallax-Background A simple parallax background effect
  • tmux-background-job ... it. ### Using Vundle Inside your `.vimrc` ``` Bundle 'ajwalters/tmux-background-job' ``` Trigger the install from within vim ``` :BundleInstall ``` ... `window:` key defines the window index to run your background jobs. I've been using a window which ...
  • background-color.info Extremely simple web app – visit http://background-color.info/#BADA55 and you'll get the idea ;)
  • login-background ... really simple. # Login Background plugin Add a file called login-background.jpg to your /wp-content/ directory to easily add a background image to your WordPress login screen. Inspired by Mark Jaquith's simple Login Logo plugin.
  • jQuery-Resizable-Background Background Image resizes as your screen resizes
  • php-background-exec ... script execution in background. # Installation [Composer](http://getcomposer.org/): ```json { "require": { "yalesov/background-exec": "2.*" } } ``` # Usage ```php use Yalesov\BackgroundExec\BackgroundExec; BackgroundExec::start(); ```
  • background background == Background A web application that does a "pretend email sending" in the background. The background process then pings back to the client when the action is done (essentially a sleep for some seconds). Uses resque, redis, faye to accomplish ...
  • toy-css-background Debugging CSS background