此压缩包中包含了UCOS-II的详细源代码,使用BORLAND C++开发环境,已经在XP、2000、NT等等操作系统中移植成功,修改其中代码就可以移植到其他CPU中去了。
CHAPT03\CHAPT03.CPP 16-Bit test program for class PC8250
CHAPT03\CHAPT03.EXE 16-Bit executable of the test program
CHAPT03\CHAPT03.MAK A makefile for Borland or Microsoft C
... Digi Classic board
CHAPT04\CHAPT04.EXE 16-Bit executable of the test program
CHAPT04\CHAPT04.MAK A makefile for Borland or Microsoft C++
CHAPT04\CLASSIC.CPP Implementation of the ClassicHandler class
CHAPT04\CLASSIC.H Declaration of the ClassicHandler ...
... the initelligent Digi board.
CHAPT05\CHAPT05.EXE 16-Bit executable of the test program
CHAPT05\CHAPT05.MAK A makefile for Borland or Microsoft C++
CHAPT05\DIGI.CPP Implementation of the Digiboard class
CHAPT05\DIGI.H Declaration of the Digiboard cla
... for the BiosPort class
CHAPT06\CHAPT06.EXE 16-Bit executable of the test program
CHAPT06\CHAPT06.MAK A makefile for Borland or Microsoft C++
CHAPT06\BIOSPORT.CPP Implementation of the BiosPort class
CHAPT06\BIOSPORT.H Declaration of the BiosPort cla