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  • paparazzi-hardware ... README 6372 2010-11-07 00:50:29Z esden $ # Copyright (C) 2004 Pascal Brisset, Antoine Drouin # # This file is part ... Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # License: -------- All PCB CAD files are released under GNU General Public License version ...
  • bGeigie3 ... for bento-Geigie v3.0 ## bGeigie3 These are the Eagle CAD files for the bGeigie v3.0 (codename NX) board. ... bGeigie2`, the content is really the **bGeigie3**. ## License 2011-2013 (c) Robin Scheibler Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported ( ...
  • bike-seven ... for both the microcontroller and also the Android phone. The Eagle Cad PCB design is also included. All of the components ... and place it into the Bike Seven socket License ======= Copyright (c) 2011 Jeff Boody Permission is hereby granted, free of ...
  • LegacyCura ... github.com/Cura Development =========== Cura is developed in Python with a C++ engine. The part you are looking at right now is ... On FreeBSD simply use the Port Tree (`cd /usr/ports/cad/cura`) to create (`make package`) and install (`make install`) ...
  • WebCAD WebCAD ====== Visit https://code.google.com/p/web-cad/ for more info.


  • Eagle-ULPs Scripts used in Eagle CAD Select each script in the EAGLE Command Panel for more information. __INSTRUCTIONS for svg2poly__ ... height to 100 (this helps with changing the ratio) * *Ctrl-Shift-C* (Object to Path) * Select all (w/ Node Cursor) * Extensions ...
  • TDD4EC_Unity ... って更新されています。単純に、unityのワークスペースとして利用したい場合は、initタグをチェックアウトしてください。 姉妹リポジトリ:[cad-san/TDD4EC_CppUTest](https://github.com/cad-san/ ... な使い方を述べます。 1. テストスイートをtests以下に追加する (ex. tests/hoge/hogeTest.c) 2. テストランナーをtests以下に追加する (ex. tests/hoge/hogeTestRunner.c) 3. ...
  • rhoinstaller ... %2Fdist%2Fv0.12.7%2Fx64%2Fnode-v0.12.7-x64.msi&usg=AFQjCNHLrLfg9EeCEucn2BAOcUa9RjTl_w&sig2=4MuRzgQAlyM1JvsrhqKZRg&bvm=bv.117218890,d.c2E&cad=rja) ###Configuration sequence(strictly Follow steps as following) - Install JDK - Install Git - Install NSIS - ...
  • twitter-cldr-rb ... "AFA", "AFN", ... ] # data for a specific currency code TwitterCldr::Shared::Currencies.for_code("CAD") # {:currency=>:CAD, :name=>"Canadian Dollar", :cldr_symbol=>"CA$", :symbol=>"$", :code_points=>[36]} ``` #### Short / Long Decimals In ...