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  • braille-printer-hw ... - sch : schemetic(.sch) and artwork(.brd) made by EagleCad-6 - cad : drawing for laser cut acrylic case made by Librecad - ... : arduino sketch # License The sch, cad and arduino sketch follow GNU-GPL. Copyright (c) 2012 Homin Lee
  • tetnest ... Nested Tetrahedral Meshes for Use with CADMesh ===================================================== [CADMesh](http://code.google.com/p/cadmesh/) is a C++ library for loading CAD based geometry into GEANT4 - a more through description ...
  • OOML ... ) with the programming power of an Object Oriented Language as C++. * OOML provides a powerful tool for designers to boost their ... code. We are working to generate also code for other cad programs such as FreeCad, OpenRave including a GLViewer, etc. ...
  • carolinajereli ... Jordan Street Classic
  • 23jordan ... Jordan Street Classic
  • kicksforbuy ... option>
  • libredwg ... a file format created in the 70's for the emerging CAD applications. Currently it is the native file format of AutoCAD, ... We recomend Inkscape, a free software vector graphics editor. The testSVG.c program will not handle 3d content from DWG since SVG ...
  • brlcad ... , collision shape. We do this to support collision for BRL-CAD's arbitrary shapes, like arbn that can not be created ... the next iteration. If we would run the loop from simulate.c (ged_Simulate()) in the simphysics.cpp(run_simulation()) - we would be able ...
  • fks ... &sig2=isyd4ktsByNBMa5M9EPhRQ&bvm=bv.45107431,d.cGE&cad=rjt) - [征服C指针](http://book.douban.com/subject/21317828/) - ... ](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_C%2B%2B_Programming_Language) - [The C++ Standard Library - A Tutorial and Reference](http://www.cppstdlib. ...
  • adg ... .org/) library: the ADG canvas is developed in plain C using an object-oriented approach. Applications based on ADG ... export formats include PostScript, SVG, PDF, PNG but no CAD specific ones (such as DXF). External dependencies ===================== The ...