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  • DynamicMCursor.rar The sample demonstrate how to capture the mouse cursor , The demo is from <<MFC anwser book>>
  • xxysbyapplexx.rar VC++6.0编写的Windows消息演示系统的源代码。 功能: 获取窗口handle 获取edit内容 隐藏窗口 可供学习的地方: 窗口前置 窗口置top capture window flat picture button 常用的message
  • VideoCapture_in_DirectShow_Way.rar video capture in derectshow way,这是自运动目标与跟踪的朋友需要的,其中,已经把图像转成了opencv的iplimage格式。
  • wipppppcap.rar Using the WipCap capture network data packet and the analysis data packet, contains the source code and the project document, the study network data packet capture analysis as well as the WinPcap good procedure
  • CapturePlayVideo.rar An opencv program about capture and display video.
  • magmonsock11.zip Magenta Systems Internet Packet Monitoring Components are a set of Delphi components designed to capture and monitor internet packets using either raw sockets or the WinPcap device driver. Hardware permitting, ethernet packets may be captured and ...
  • bugle-0.0.20070528.tar.gz BuGLe combines a graphical OpenGL debugger with a selection of filters on the OpenGL command stream. The debugger allows viewing of state, textures, framebuffers and shaders, while the filters allow for logging, error checking, video capture and more.
  • evmdm642.rar ti dm642 vport capture driver files
  • VideoAnalyzer2.rar Deirctshow based video capture source codes.
  • C-Capture.rar 一个不错的摄像头截图程序,很多人都喜欢用啊