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  • mimommse.rar Channel Estimation of MIMO OFDM with MMSE Estimator.
  • sisofuzzy.rar Channel Estimation of SISO OFDM with Fuzzy Logic Technique.
  • PT2259.rar PT2259 is an 8-pin 2-channel volume controller
  • uwb4apicture.rar 802.15.4a channel code
  • mimosimulation.rar mobile channel in matlab 包含PSK RICE DOUPLER
  • MFSK_AWGN_CONV.zip this is matlab simulink simulation. it implies m-ary FSK with convolutional coding under AWGN channel.
  • flat_fad_channel.zip matlab code for AWGN channel
  • qpsk1012.rar QPSK modulation in Rayleigh fading and AWGN channel
  • amontec_jtagkey_flyer_ft2232_map.pdf.zip The Amontec JTAGkey uses the Channel A of the FTDI FT2232L in MPSSE mode. The Channel B of the FT2232L is let FREE for future uses.
  • method_jakes_gaussian.zip This is a channel simulation. It shows frequency responses and autocorrelation of jakes channel and gaussian channel with different methods