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  • WIM2_ITU_ChannelModel_ver4.zip ... model [6], WINNER I (interim) model [3], 3GPP/3GPP2 Spatial Channel Model (SCM) [4] and SCM(E) Extension models. For ... structure of WIM, its input/output interface and its functionality. Channel model scenarios and parameters are modified to correspond to ...
  • ServerClientChat.rar Create a chat channel with multi-user and sending files
  • R8user.rar this is source code in matlab, simulate about mc-cdma over rayleigh channel
  • R8_N8_ok.rar this code in matlab to simulate Ber in mc-cdma system over nakagami channel
  • N_8user_ok.rar source code in matlab simulate ber in mc-cdma system over nakagami and rayleigh channel with 8 users
  • LOUTROUT.rar LOUT, ROUT for the left and right channel output 左右声道输出
  • A_Mathematical_Theory_of_Communication.zip Shannon theorem for communication systems and channel capacity
  • OFDM_w_space_coding.rar OFDM with Space coding in flat fading channel.
  • ofdm_bpsk_fading.rar OFDM with BPSK in Fading Channel.
  • channelmodel.rar rayleigh distribution multipath channel model