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  • Chat-Server-Client.rar Source code for a chat between 2 computers using socket in Java.
  • Chat-Mobile-PC.rar A chat between a mobile phone and a PC using socket in Java
  • chat.zip SQL that describe table and it s relation to make simple private and public chat. we can customize it as we need and redeclare new table or field in each table.
  • Chat.zip php code to make simple private chat with other user that login in the system. the style like facebook chat, buat its very simple.
  • chat.zip simple Chat program on Unix
  • P2PC-chat.rar A c under the TCP multiplayer online chat program source 2C include source code and client server source code
  • chat.rar Chat, a little chat script in JSP...
  • chat.zip chat for VK social net
  • chat-source.rar Source Code Chat on php and javascript (ajax, jquery)
  • Chat---Client---Server.rar Simple Chat Application. Multiple clients may connect and communicate.