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  • Chat-Server.rar This is a java based chat server.
  • Chat-Application-Using-WCF-Session(P.1).rar Using WCF to develop Chat Application
  • Chat-nice.zip Java chat with User interface. With smiles and groups of conversation.
  • J2ME-chat.rar This is a chat in J2ME with client and server source code.
  • chat.rar c# chat server/client based on .net framework
  • chat-src-2004-12-06(2).zip normal chat program like google
  • DES-chat.zip DES加密聊天工具,共包含3个文件:chat.cpp、des.h、makefile。 编译:命令行模式下,切换到代码所在目录,输入make后回车即可。 运行:命令行模式下输入 ./chat,然后选择程序执行角色(客户端或服务器)。如选择服务器,则程序自动打开端口开始监听;如选择客户端,则需要输入服务器地址。最后输入命令quit退出程序。
  • Chat-Yahoo.rar sample delphi yahoo chat for beginners
  • TCP-Chat-beta-version.zip Beta version of TCP chat. Multithreaded (multiple clients can connect), with a nice GUI! The only thing to add is a private mode, and a few bug fixes.