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  • Classification.zip 该算法为数字字符特征提取。是字符识别的前提。开发环境为vc++。
  • patternclassification.rar 模式识别ppt。R. O. Duda的那本Pattern Classification 模式识别红宝书配套ppt
  • KNNDEMO.rar KNN DEMO This is a binary classification problem defined on a N*N field.
  • Classification.rar 有关聚类的一些例子,主要是用人工数据点进行分类
  • svm.zip libsvm is a simple, easy-to-use, and efficient software for SVM classification and regression. It solves C-SVM classification, nu- ... . It also provides an automatic model selection tool for C-SVM classification. This document explains the use of libsvm.
  • VehicleCheck.rar 车辆识别 vehicle detection and classification.
  • FFTpowerspectrumandtheestimated.rar ... 法) 功率谱估计----多信号分类法(multiple signal classification,music法)Fourier transform to strike a signal to ... estimate of maximum entropy (maxmum entmpy method, MEM) ---- More than the estimated power spectrum signal classification (multiple signal classification, ...
  • facedetector.rar ... SSE optimized C++ library for color and gray scale data with skin detection, motion estimation for faster processing, small sized SVM and NN rough face prefiltering, PCA/LDA/ICA/any dimensionality reduction/projection and final NN classification
  • gaborconvolve.rar gaborconvolve.m Code for convolving an image with a bank of log-Gabor filters. A pre-processing step for texture analysis, feature detection and classification
  • PatternClassfication.rar 模式识别的经典书籍 模式分类Pattern Classification第二版中文版