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  • kfcm.zip it is a code for kernel-FCM clustering
  • Fcm.zip it is a code for FCM clustering
  • afcm_fcm.zip it is a code for Alternative_fcm clustering
  • gkclust.zip it is a code for GKFCM clustering
  • 2004Cluster.PDF.zip This document contais a resume of hierachical and partitionig methods of clustering.
  • 34534.zip 基于模糊粗糙近似的web浏览模式的聚类.Based on fuzzy rough approximation of the web browsing pattern clustering
  • doeCluster.zip PHP Class to do K-Means clustering.
  • flood.rar this is source code for time synchronization in wireless sensor network which I wrote for my Ms.c thesis. it includes flooding, routing, clustering and time synchronisation.
  • cluster-1.50.zip hgc的clustering算法源码,包括k-means等
  • kmedioids.zip [inds,cidx] = kmedioids(D,k) Performs k-mediods clustering only requires a distance matrix D and number of clusters k. Finds cluster assignments "inds" to minimize the following cost function: