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  • kmeansK.zip KMEANSK Performs K-means clustering given a list of feature vectors and k The argument k indicates the number of clusters you want the data to be divided into. data_vecs (N*R) is the set of R dimensional feature vectors for N data points. Each ...
  • kmeans.rar Kmeans clustering algorithme
  • cluster_initiative_pub_web_ver.zip instructions for clustering data
  • k-meansPgenetic_hybride.rar HGK, an hybrid algorythm with k-means and genetic applied on a small dataset for clustering (finding patterns and approximative solutions). have to run k-means befor lunching the HGK
  • Final_v2.zip SpectralClustering performs one of three spectral clustering algorithms (Unnormalized, Shi & Malik, Jordan & Weiss) on a given adjacency matrix. SimGraph creates such a matrix out of a given set of data and a given distance function. The code has been ...
  • DIPKmeans.rar Kmeans clustering algorithm
  • leachFarBS.rar leach is a protocol for clustering
  • Machine-Learning-Toolkit-Examples.rar labview关于机器学习的案例,来源于NI lab,有多种方法:BP、Kernel PCA、Clustering、svm等等,值得大家学习。
  • Clustering.rar Apriori download for using apriori by means of java
  • yang-n-28-cluster-validity111.zip clustering technique