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  • compress ... of reading and interacting with the basics of the zip file format. * A stream that can wrap around a stream _(at the very least a filestream)_ and provide encoding on the fly. * An encoding provider object that can take chunks of data and compress them.
  • bricks-compress output compression using gzip for bricks.js # BREAKING CHANGE As of v0.2.0, `bricks-compress` is only available for node v0.6+ # bricks-compress # `bricks-compress` adds output deflating using `gzip` to `bricks.js`. To be most effective, this plugin ...
  • Canvas-Text-Compress-JS Compress text client-side in Javascript using the PNG-based compression built into HTML5's Canvas element To use this software, do one of two things: (1) If you want to just play around with the compression algorithm, open up the included HTML file and ...
  • compress compress code(js,css,etc..)
  • commons-compress ... from the central Maven repositories: ```xml org.apache.commons commons-compress 1.21 ``` Contributing ------------ We accept Pull Requests via GitHub. The ...
  • couchapp-compress ... tool and compresses JavaScript files. ## Preconditions ## By default, `couchapp-compress` uses [UglifyJS](https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS), which ... go to your CouchApp's root directory. Invoke `couchapp-compress` with the path of the partial file that ...
  • Compress-Deflate7 Compress::Deflate7 Perl module Compress-Deflate7 ==================== See `perldoc lib/Compress/Deflate7.pm`.
  • Compress A pair of C programs which compress/uncompress files according to run-length encoding scheme.
  • compress-lz4 Perl interface to the LZ4 (de)compressor Compress-LZ4 ============ This module provides a Perl interface to the LZ4 (de)compressor. INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install ...
  • Compress-CSS ... used through the command line by calling smallCSS {directoryName}. It will compress all the CSS in the directory, so you'll want ... the directory to find all CSS files in there. It will compress everything it finds mercilessly, so plan ahead. A couple other ...