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  • Catalyst-Plugin-Compress-WithExclusions ... , if the client can handle it. LCompress> does that for you with very little effort. ... ://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bugs.html?Dist=Catalyst-Plugin-Compress-WithExclusions AnnoCPAN, Annotated CPAN documentation http://annocpan.org/ ...
  • ms-compress Open source implementations of Microsoft compression algorithms ms-compress =========== Open source implementations of Microsoft compression algorithms. The progress is listed below. "RTL" refers to the native RtlCompressBuffer and RtlUncompressBuffer ...
  • Compress-Expand finalProject Compress-Expand =============== finalProject
  • compress-algorithm study compress algorithm compress-algorithm ================== study compress algorithm
  • ms-compress-test Test program and files for ms-compress library ms-compress-test ================ Test program and files for [ms-compress](https://github.com/coderforlife/ms-compress) library.
  • rp-compress ... for nodejs ![status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/wearefractal/rp-compress.png?branch=master) ## Information compress can acheive 45-50% compression with standard ASCII ...
  • compress Activity Compress compress ======== Activity Compress
  • SVD-Compress ... value decomposition and low rank approximation. SVD-Compress =========== A method to compress images using rank reduced singular value ... are more efficient ways to store data. Here's SVD-Compress' method: - Instead of calling each color channel an array ...
  • perl-CGI-Compress-Gzip CGI::Compress::Gzip - CGI with automatically compressed output
  • perl-Compress-Bzip2 Compress::Bzip2 - Perl interface to Bzip2 compression library
  • Package