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  • T-REC-H.264-201003-I!!PDF-E.zip white paper of H.264 video compression
  • 3D-TV-Using-MPEG-2-and-H.264-View-Coding-and-Auto ... views required for 3DTV can be compressed using standard video compression techniques. MPEG-2 is widely used in digital TV ... technology standard for digital video in the near future. The compression gains and quality of 3DTV will vary depending on ...
  • 3D-SCENE-MODELING-FOR-DISTRIBUTED-VIDEO-CODING-20 The compression efficiency of Distributed Video-Coding (DVC) suffers from the necessity of transmitting a large number of key-frames which are intra-coded. This paper describes a new 3D model-basedDVC approach which reduces the keyframe frequency. The ...
  • PCA_neural_networks.rar PCA for image compression, Sanger s algorithm implemented with neural networks
  • dwtsinsigenergycalculation.rar Energy calculation for compression and denoising
  • syncnoimgaejpg.rar Good for autocoreelation and imahe compression where ever needed
  • Imagefilterin.rar filteirng that can be done where ever possible with compression
  • lastcompression.rar last compression for image and ECG
  • upload.zip source code for wavelet based decomposition of image first level and second level decomposition. Also wavelet based compression of image also included in the code
  • 4EfficientencryptMPEG4.rar ... directly on the ciphertext without decryption. In addition, the proposed scheme has no degradation on either FGS compression efficiency or error resilient performance, and allows random access. Experimental results as well as a preliminary security ...