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  • CompressionbyYikwang.rar This code perform the DCT and quantization on all the channels without any sub-sampling and for the compression of color images, they are first converted to the YCbCr color format and vice versa, use the function rgb2ycbcr and ycbcr2rgb.
  • codec_snr_byYikwang.rar ... function that takes an image and a mask as the input, perform compression and decompression on the image (color image compression if input image is color), and display the original and reconstructed images side by side. The program should ...
  • imagecompression.rar Demonstrates image compression that can use in image processing
  • entropy_code.rar this is an entropy code to use for compression schema you can use it with sphit compession
  • waveletdecomposition.rar a matlab code for applying wavelet decomposition usuful for compression schema
  • 4.rar compression by slantlet transform
  • convolution.rar convolution algorithm compression
  • JEPG2000.rar image compression using JEPG2000
  • jpg2000.rar matlab code for jpeg2000 compression