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  • gsm_13200bps.zip this the source code of audio compression standard -- gsm.
  • efficient_fast_celp_4.zip this the source code of addio compression standard CELP. Also, it is optimizied for the execution speed.
  • lpc55-C.zip this the source code of audio compression standard LPC. It is coded by C.
  • adpcm64_g722.zip this the source code of audio compression standard, ADPCM-64/G.722.
  • jbig2dec-0.9.tar.gz Jbig2解码代码包。包中有样例程序。 jbig2dec is a decoder library and example utility implementing the JBIG2 bi-level image compression spec. Also known as ITU T.88 and ISO IEC 14492, and now included by reference in Adobe s PDF 1.4.
  • image_spatial_process.rar image preprocessing for JPEG compression. This file include: void filter2() void get_8x8() void set_8x8() void sym_extension() void zero_extension() void peri_extension() void get_middle()
  • JPEG2000.zip JPEG2000 Standard for Image Compression Concepts, Algorithms and VLSI Architectures
  • vi2.zip ... can be viewed in figure. (Please note that select 256X256 image for better result.) Then compression can performed, PERFL2 give compression score. Then reconstruction can be performed. Each decompsition we can choose different threshold values. ...
  • JPEGEncoderDecoder.zip simple jpeg compression and decompression
  • Idpacker.zip 187 kinds Compression Method