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  • particlefiltertotrackhand2.rar 使用粒子滤波进行手部跟踪,动态转移矩阵训练得到.使用B样条曲线对手外部轮廓拟合,并引入形状空间限制维数.详细理论参考active contour由michael isard和Andrew blake完成.
  • image_type_convert.rar Detect the type and convert the image to one out of four types: BW, LABELED, CONTOUR,LIKELIHOOD. This program can be used as a part of automatic image recognition tool.
  • generalbode.rar Generalized Bode plot for linear time invariant system (Bode plot on arbitrary contour).
  • generalnyquist.rar Generalized Nyquist diagram for stability analysis of linear time invariant systems (Nyquist on arbitrary contour)
  • ae-vb-contour.rar 通过arcengine 和vb实现等值线
  • registration.rar A Contour based Image Segmentation Algorithm www.xin7de.cn
  • Kriging-algorithm.rar realize 2D and 3D map contour using Kriging algorithm.
  • 08_Corner.zip opencv contour i need help
  • area.zip This program calculates the area above a certain contour level value
  • cont.zip the code performs contour tracing and image compression