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  • aco.zip Contour Correspondence via Ant Colony Optimization Oliver van Kaick <ovankaic@cs.sfu.ca> http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~ovankaic/personal/ This MATLAB implementation computes a correspondence between two shapes based ...
  • rect.zip Conformal mapping of (x, y) contour to a rectangle.
  • LevelSet_ChunmingLi_v0.rar a code for method for segmentation using the detection of active contour Level set
  • cline.zip Program for contour plotting written in FORTAN with dislin pltting library to be used for FEM output files.
  • GenAlgo.rar A sample function of two variables. PEAKS is a function of two variables, obtained by translating and scaling Gaussian distributions, which is useful for demonstrating MESH, SURF, PCOLOR, CONTOUR, etc.
  • contour.rar 效率较高的手语特征提取工具和源代码,该工具可以从视频中抽取每一帧的手语特征,并且用于视频检索和手语识别。首先使用肤色和运动提取每一帧中的运动信息,最后使用轮廓工具找出手语的特征,比如傅里叶算子,面积,周长,速度,加速度等,为视频检索打下基础。
  • OpenCV_Chinese_Manual.rar 关于OpenCV的详尽中文手册,包括CxCore、CvAux、Cv、HighGUI中文参考手册;OpenCV安装文档说明;OpenCV历程:图像文件读入与显示,图像创建、保存和复制,Canny边缘检测,轮廓(contour)检测,图像旋转与缩放,读视频文件和运动问题检测,Hough线段检测,鼠标绘图,离散傅立叶变换,windows下使用采集卡directshow等等以及应用专题
  • Contour.rar 根据算出的温度场文件画出二维温度场等温线
  • regionbased_seg.rar Region Based Active Contour Segmentation:基于活动轮廓的图像分割算法,MATLAB代码,可用于目标提取,包括实验图片
  • ContourPlot.zip 一个很好的实现contour plot的源代码,由微软公司的工程师完成