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  • Stepper.rar Stepper Motor Controller Sample Files
  • 2-4_TFT_with_ILI9320_controller.zip Program for writing to Newhaven Display 2.4 TFT with ILI9320 controller
  • Gui28308.rar VB6 code to control robot using PIC controller using parallelport
  • 8051_bitio.zip microcontroller documents 8051 atmel controller
  • GUI.rar MATLAB Based GUIs for Linear Controller Design
  • pg12864lib_v1.4.zip Graphic Library for screen pg12864 handled by lpc21xx controller. Project was developed with IAR embedded workbench.
  • 1334.zip Stepper Motor Driver Controller L297
  • main.rar ATMega8 and character LCD Controller
  • controller.rar 最少拍无纹波控制器的设计及matlab仿真
  • inv_pend.zip inverted pendulum pid controller matlab files used to know the controller description