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  • XTAL-H.zip XTAL-H crystal XTAL-H crystal
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  • P_King_MSc_Thesis.rar Matlab program for 1D photonic crystal
  • cryst14.zip Crystal Space 3D Engine v1.4
  • 1e.rar ... rigorous theory is developed for light refraction by a photonic crystal PC with arbitrary lattice-type and surface orientation. ... refraction of a planar wave incident upon a photonic crystal surface is analyzed. We rigorously prove the equal partition ...
  • 2d.rar The dispersion relation and the optical transmittance of a two-dimensional photonic crystal composed of the hexagonal array of cylindrical air holes fabricated in a dielectric slab were analyzed by group theory and the numerical calculation based on the ...
  • csharp-duplex-print.zip C# 重载 文档预览对话框的打印按钮,并实现文档的双面打印,也可用于crystal report 的双面打印.
  • shuijing.rar vs2005关于水晶报表的实例,本节向您介绍在 Crystal Reports 中创建报表所需的基础知识。首先您将了解报表设计环境,然后学习如何选择数据库表、在报表上放置对象以及如何排序、分组和总计报表数据。
  • AT89C2051-38KHZ.rar AT89C2051 create 38KHZ /24MHZ crystal