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  • csEnd.rar Crystal Semiconductor CS8900 network interface driver.
  • yaokongasm.rar ... at the same time and toggle PA2, PA1 and PA3 respectively. Pulses from PA1 then feed into PB6(T2EX) to trigger Timer 2 interrupt to toggle PA4. The Crystal frequency is 8MHz.
  • eigen_modes_DBR.rar calculating 1D photonic crystal
  • rdlcprint.rar 这个是c#水晶报表很不错的 可以参考一下-This the third c# crystal report forms video tutorial, is is very good, and you could get some advice from it.
  • RunLediog.rar 液晶显示屏(LCD –Liquid Crystal Display Panel)和液晶显示模块(LCM-Liquid Crystal Display Module)的开发设计
  • PCF_section.rar Photonic crystal fiber section area Graph
  • cryosc.rar This program provides an example of how to configure the C8051F02x device to operate from an external 22.1184MHz crystal attached to the XTAL1 andXTAL2 pins. Also enables Missing Clock Detector.
  • crystal-ball.rar 嵌入式程序,可以在智能手机中运行 安装方法: 1.直接将Exe Files 中cab的文件拷入手机,找到此文件执行,安装完之后在安装目录下找到一个叫DiamondPet.exe的文件,双击执行。 2.打开DataSousce中的项目采用Debug或Release模式真机调试程序,这是可将程序拷入手机中运行。
  • rfdriver-HY502iic.rar RFID实现代码,可以通过iic接口操作,通过这个程序可以快速完成自己项目的开发。 Description: AT89S52 Firmware for HY502 Serial Reader This project is designed for HY502XX OSC use 11.0592MHz crystal.
  • PWE_PBS_2Dstructure.rar This is a program to calculate the Photonic Bands of two dimension Photonic Crystal with circular inclusions. It calculates both TE and TM modes (E and H polarization).