Animation for
1. Polynomial fitting
2. First, second, and third order Taylor expansion of a curve
... data.
Notes: Use only for precise data, as the fitted curve passes through the
given points exactly. This routine is useful for plotting a pleasingly
smooth curve through a few given points for purposes of plotting.
Draw a Cycloida curve and adjust params to get different pictures. Used: allegro, C. Compile with cmd: gcc curveCykloida.cpp -o curveCykloida -lalleg
Draw a epicycloida curve and adjust params to get different pictures. Used: allegro, C. Compile with cmd: gcc curveEpicykloida.cpp -o curveCykloida -lalleg
Draw a hipotrochoida curve and adjust params to get different pictures. Used: allegro, C. Compile with cmd: gcc curveHipotrochoida.cpp -o curveHipotrochoida -lalleg
... levels and passes it in an AWGN channel with a given SNR. The received message is then Hard decision decoded and the bit error rate is calculated.
The BER over different SNR is calculated. THe output values can be used to draw a BER vs SNR(dB) curve.
curve:how to draw a 2d curve. it is simple and useful. hope u can try it asap