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  • Koch.rar Koch curve. The Koch snowflake (or Koch star) is a mathematical curve and one of the earliest fractal curves to have been described.
  • elliptic_crypto.zip This book is intended as a guide for security professionals, developers, and those interested in learning how elliptic curve cryptography can be deployed to secure applications.
  • BezierFit.rar the program is to fit a bezier curve .bezier curve is a powerful algorithm for engineer.
  • BEZIERcode.rar bezier curve code by c
  • DBEZIERcode.rar Calculates a Bezier curve and it s derivatives
  • BSPLINEcode.rar Calculates a B-spline curve
  • DBSPLINEcode.rar Calculates a B-spline curve and derivatives
  • BSPLINEUcode.rar Calculates a periodic B-spline curve
  • fitoptions.rar used for curve fitting
  • enso.rar it will be used for curve fitting