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  • DeCompress.rar 可实现文件解压缩功能,要压缩后的文件没有扩展名,算法采用的是霍夫曼编码
  • Huffman.rar the program demonstrates Huffman decompression. after prompting for the name of the compressed an object of type HDecompress is declared, and the member function decompress() decompresses the file
  • CompressionSample.zip ... available in the .NET Framework. It builds a Windows Forms application that employs the GZipStream and DeflateStream types to compress and decompress files. The sample also introduces several types that are new in the .NET Framework version 2.0.
  • bitmapsample.zip WINDDK XP/2003 Microsoft Bitmap Printer Driver Sample Decompress to src in WINDDK and "build -cZ"
  • huffman_src.zip I ve written some many years ago dynamic Huffman algorithm to compress and decompress data. It is mainly targeted to data with some symbols occuring more often than the rest (e.g. having some data file consisted of 3 different symbols and their total ...
  • assignment01forJAVA.rar ... 1.install Tomcat(superior than j2sdk1.4.2 and Tomcat 5.0),and setup the envionment variables of JAVA_HOME 2.decompress file assignment2.war, and copy the directory to the directory called webapps in localhost machine. 3.start Tomcat 4. ...
  • gzip_for_j2me.rar Its a small library for decompress gzip files in j2me. The final size after obfuscation and jaring is less than 2150 bytes.
  • mppc-1.0.tar.gz MPPC compress/decompress algorithm
  • Decompress.rar tar,zip,tgz,gz等压缩文件的加压缩库,解压到内存中,lib库工程
  • acvcode.rar acv umpack Compress-Decompress algrithms