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  • p219__3__2.rar ... Point {public: Circle(int m,int n):Point(m){radius=m } ~Circle(){cout<<"execuing Circle destructor"<<radius<<endl } private: int radius } int main() {Point *p=new Circle(5,12) delete p system("pause") return 0 }
  • dv.rar ... Point {public: Circle(int m,int n):Point(m){radius=m } ~Circle(){cout<<"execuing Circle destructor"<<radius<<endl } private: int radius } int main() {Point *p=new Circle(5,12) delete p system("pause") return 0 }
  • xindetiaoshi.rar 我的文件管理设计中对于文件管理的功能主要有以下几个:输入文件(input), 从文件列表中删除一个记录(delete a record from list),保存文件(save), 查找文件(search record on table),文件的列表(list)
  • XZZ.rar 本系统所完成的是文件的管理,1.输入文件(input) 2.从文件列表中删除一个记录(delete a record from list), 3.保存文件(save)
  • Make_or_de2099951312008.zip Make or delete con folder in windows
  • Rose_Training.zip ... specifications Create new diagrams Display diagrams Create new components Display components Create new attributes and operations Display attributes and operations Operations in the browser vs. operations on diagrams Delete vs. delete from model
  • Excel_vc.rar database class visit excel tables (cannot delete record temporal)
  • phpMyAdmin.rar ... 。 phpMyAdmin is a tool written in PHP intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the Web. Currently it can create and drop databases, create/drop/alter tables, delete/edit/add fields, execute any SQL statement, manage keys on fields.
  • chepaishibie.rar ... 对象的删除 以释放系统的GDI资源 每一个new操作符都要对应一个delete
  • lplayer_1.01.tar.gz ... a traditional player, taking into account the rating of the song and the time that has passed since the song was last listened to. The GUI allows you to view, rate, replay, and delete songs previously listened to. It works with XMMS, WinAmp, and iTunes.