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  • dft.rar 个人写的,运行也正常,可识别不同频率的语音
  • DFT.rar 该程序包括了一个应用最为广的离散傅里叶变换,褶积,抽样最小相位。绝对能运行
  • amdf(c).zip amdf單音頻率偵測,dft演算法實現,簡單的wave檔讀取
  • masterDFTinOneDayCHS.rar Master DFT in One Day的中文版 帮助大家学习离散傅立叶变换
  • fsk_dft.rar 基于DFT的fsk调制解调算法仿真源代码,给出误码率-信噪比图。
  • dft.rar 数字信号处理中的离散傅里叶变换和快速傅里叶变换的实验指导书
  • pmrdft21.zip Computes the DFT of N real values and returns the first N/2+1 DFT coefficients. N is an integral power of two.
  • voice.rar 本程序为一个用matlab实现的语音滤波程序,能计算并显示语音信号的幅频特性,巴特沃斯低通滤波器幅度和相位响应,引入噪声后的幅频特性,以及滤波后的DFT幅频特性。本程序附有语音文件以供试验。
  • InitialPerformanceEvaluationofDFTSpreadOFDMBasedS ... OFDMA and SC-FDMA schemes. The basic transmission scheme for uplink direction is based on singlecarrier transmission in the form of DFT Spread OFDM with an MMSE receiver. Two antenna configurations, SISO and 1x2 SIMO are considered in the analysis of ...
  • OnPerformanceLimitsofDFTSpreadOFDMSystems.zip ... OFDM transmission. Besides PAPR reduction, an important implication of DFT Spreading is that the independent parallel sub-channels ... OFDM system. This paper analyzes the error probabilities of DFT Spread OFDM systems, and derives their analytical closed ...